Play Group
Play Group has transitioned its model to an in-home base program with monthly activity literacy kits, dropped off to the families’ doorstep due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is open to anyone with children ages 2-5 who live in Lorain! Sign up for your literacy kits today by clicking the following link

Parent Engagement
As a Lorain Rising Titans family, you are updated as a group on family activities, programming resources, and tips on education and health using the REMIND APP. This is also a way we communicate with our families individually. All it takes is a simple acceptance into our class, after you enroll as a Rising Titans family! We enjoy giving out resources to our community because together, we are #LorainStrong!
Lorain County Imagination Library
Sign up through the Rising Titans Coordinator directly or at any partner location, to receive your free book, mailed directly to your child’s home, every month until Kindergarten.

Preschool & Childcare Resources
We are here to assist you on your journey to school! With the many great partners that make up Rising Titans, Collaborative lead staff can help by providing resources.